Please contact KampAdmin if you wan to use this API.
What can I use this call for?
The filter API gives you the ability to query a specific app. It’s is up to you which filters, ordering, options you use. The sky is the limit.
An example to explain the syntax:
[GET] apps/{{APP ID}}_{{APP TOKEN}}/filters/flat?
{{APP FIELD 1}}=...
&{{APP FIELD 2}}=...
&sort_by={{APP FIELD}}
&detail={{APP FIELD ID 1}},{{APP FIELD ID 2}}
&detail_token={{LINKED APP TOKEN 1}},{{LINKED APP TOKEN 2}}
See demo examples at the bottom of the page for working examples.
Array with item objects like:
items: [
"external_id": "aedff832-9eb8-4417-ae53-5c204a7f9641",
"activity-info-title":"Basketball for dumies",
"title":"July week 1"
linked_items: {
"1002": {"meta": {... July week 1 ...}, "values": {}, "incoming": []},
"1003": {"meta": {... B01 (01 - 07 jul) ...}, "values": {}, "incoming": []}
errors: {error_code: "error message"},
You can use the offset parameter to do multiple requests if you need more then 100 results.
You can also limit the number of results yourself by using the limit parameter.
How to filter?
Filters are passed as url parameters
- key = app field external_id or podio_id. We suggest to use the first as it is more developer friendly. It is also possible to filter on selected meta keywords
- value = depends on the app_field.data_type
Value: (an array of) item podio_id(s)
?period=0 // for null value
Value: (an array of) category id(s) (these number can be found through App info API call)
?gender=0 // for null value
Value: string, case insensitive but needs to be exact match. “PIECE of TEXT” == “piece of text”, but “piece-of-text.” != “piece of text”
Date & date calculations
Provide “from” and/or “to” value.
Values are either absolute or relative dates. See examples below. (notice: never use “+” in relative dates, so [to]=30d is correct but [to]=+30d is not).
?start-date[from]=-2w&start-date[to]=1y # -2w = today -14 days, 1y = today +365 dagen
?start-date[from]=-2wr&start-date[to]=1yr # r = rounding, -1w = last week monday
# 1yr = next year 31/12
Number, number calculation, money, progress & duration
Provide “from” and/or “to”.
Exacte match on adres.
?map-location=Groenestraat 7, 9000 Gent, België
Image, email, phone & embed
It is not possible to filter on these datatypes.
Meta data
- created_on: filter like date
- last_edit_on: filter like date
- item_id: (array of) podio_id(s)
- external_id: (array of) external_ids (s)
- app_item_id: (array of) app item id(s)
happens through two url parameters
- sort_by: app fields or metadata attribute. Default = meta created_on
- sort_order: ASC / DESC. By default DESC
Be careful, the default DESC is not a standard convention. Be sure to provide “ASC” when you want A-Z. As an example:
?sort_by=created_on # returns created_on DESC, so newest to oldest items
Special return formats
- Booleans (true / false) don’t exist in our data model, they’ll always be returned as the enumerable value e.g. [“Yes”]
- Single enumerable values are always presented as an array. So You’ll get [“Female”] for gender, and never “Female”
- Location addresses receive their data from a google maps component, you’ll have access to value, formatted, street_number, street_name, postal_code, city, state, country, lat, lng. (PS: in API v2 street_number, street_name replaces “street_address”)
Joining tables
Ask items from multiple apps at the same time by following the links between items. In the detail parameter you provide the app_field id you wish to follow and in detail token you provide. Do not worry about the direction of the relation. KampAdmin will pick it up from either side.
When following multiple app fields use comma to separate them
?detail={{APP FIELD ID}}
detail_token: when you are requesting items from other apps through the “detail” parameter you also need to provide the other app token to show you are granted access to these items.
?detail_token={{APP ID}}_{{APP TOKEN}}
The order in which you provide the tokens is irrelevant, as long as all linked apps are covered you are good to go.
As an integrator you will typically do these two filter queries
Filter activities based on search parameters
On the website we have a form where they provide the filters which should return the matching activities. For the activities app, let’s send the following information
- Filters: activity-public=yes (id 2) + category = sport (id 405630497
- Sorting: internal-start-date ASC
- detail: join on the theme app (via relation id 119751745).
- detail_info: app token for outgoing app (15518273_9500df21b = themes app)
This gives us an url like: